house of clay - this will be my second published comic / graphic novel. it's  completely unrelated to the first one (unholy kinship) and takes place in quite a different place / time although some of the themes may be similar.

facts: 146 pages (this might still change), full colour. will be published in paperback, 5 x 7 1/2 inches in size, which is pretty much A5. will be out in september.

status: (march 2007) finished! 

story: in an inland city somewhere to the east a family is preparing to send their daughter off to work. their money has been lost to bad investments and there is none left to send her to school. luckily, connections still remain and the girl takes up position as a seamstress in a small town by the coast. she spends her days divided between the factory floor and her dismal little room. at least the ocean is there to comfort her! but why does she keep her silly nickname, why doesn't the woman working next to her have a voice and what is wrong with that dog?



:::back to the other comics:::



cover image:

preview pages: